Thursday, October 13, 2011

Shows I Miss:Quotes from Babylon5

My friend +Knight Wise asked for favorite Sci Fi Quotes and two shows came to the top of my queue: FireFly/Serenity and Babylon5. Baby5 was my fav in the target-rich SciFi on TV landscape of the '90s. I knew the quote I wanted, but re-discovered the treasure-trove of great lines from a great show. The crew of Serenity have expressed how much they loved that show and miss it. I have not heard any interviews of the B5 folks, but, as an actor, I would kill to have dialogue like this...

(The quote I went searching for is the last in the list...)

Kosh Naranek: A stroke of the brush does not guarantee art from the bristles.

Lorien: We've lived too long, seen too much. To live on, as we have, is to leave behind joy, love, and companionship because we know it to be transitory; of the moment. W